School Policies

Statutory Policies

Signed copies of all statutory policies are held in school. Copies of all statutory policies are available on request.

Additional Learning Needs and Inclusion (ALN) Policy (June 2024)

Anti-bullying Policy (Nov 2023)

Behaviour and Discipline Policy (Jun 2024)

Charging and Remissions Policy (Mar 2024)

Complaints Policy (Nov 2023)

Equal Opportunities Policy (Mar 2024)

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) Policy (Jul 2024)

Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy (Sep 2024)

Welshpool High School / Forden School Transition Plan (2023-24)

Non-Statutory Policies

Uniform Policy Jun 2024

School Dinners & Parent Pay

Free School Meals (& clothing grants)

If you are on low income, your child may be eligible for help towards school meals. Please follow the link to the Powys website where you can complete a form online.

School meals and clothing grants – Powys County Council

School Dinners Menu (PCC link) – Nov 2023 – Mar 2024

School meals cost £2.45 each day (Sep 2023).

All school dinners are paid for through Parent Pay. Please read below for information on this system.

Parent Pay

Frequently asked questions

How to add & use a Parent Account

How to add a child to your Parent Pay account

How to pay for items / meals

How to set up text / email alerts

Powys Privacy Notice (Forden School)

Pupil Development Grant


The PDG is a grant to schools from the Welsh Government targeted at those pupils eligible for free school meals. We use the grant to provide opportunities for these children that they otherwise might not have available to them. It is also used to help these children to achieve their full potential.

A proportion of all school visits and trips and access to music lessons is covered for all eligible pupils and the remainder provides in-class support for these pupils.

For further details, please follow the link: Forden PDG Strategy 2023-24

After School Club


When is afterschool club running?
The club will run every day that school is open to pupils, from 3:15 to 5:00pm Mondays to Fridays.
How do I book my child into ASC?
Pupils can be booked in through the ASC email address
Please book in advance if possible. Late bookings can be made up to 3:00pm on the day via the email address. Please do not phone the school as the phone is not always manned.
Can I cancel a booking?
Bookings can be cancelled through the email address. If your child if off school, the booking is automatically cancelled.
Where do I collect my child from?
All children must be collected from the front door – please ring the doorbell. If possible, please give a pick-up time when booking. If another adult is collecting your child, this must be made clear when booking them in.
When is the latest pick-up time?
All children must be collected by 5pm. Children collected after this time will incur an additional fee of £5.00
How do I pay for ASC?
Payments must be through Parent Pay on a Pay-as-You-Use basis. ASC payments must be cleared by Friday each week. Parents with outstanding payments exceeding £30 will not be able to access the club the following week. Pupils collected by 4:00pm will only be charged £3 per session.
What will my child do at the club?
There will be a variety of activities on offer including craft, games and outdoor play (weather permitting). Pupils will also be able to complete any homework, access Lexia or read with an adult. Each child will be offered a snack and drink.
What information will be held on my child?
By booking into the club, you give permission for Miss Williamson (ASC leader) to access contact details, medical details and dietary requirements currently held in school

GDPR - Privacy notice

At Forden School we are committed to protecting your privacy. Our Privacy Policy explains details of education related data collected by the Forden School, the local authority (Powys County Council) and the Welsh Government, what the data is used for, who it is shared with and how it is stored.

An updated Privacy Notice has been issued in respect of additional data collected due to Covid-19. This should be read in conjunction with the Privacy Policy above.

Operation Encompass

Operation Encompass is a project that will run jointly between schools and Dyfed-Powys Police. It is a county-wide initiative across all schools in Powys.

Operation Encompass is the reporting to schools, prior to the start of the next school day, when a child or young person has been exposed to, or involved in, any domestic incident.

Operation Encompass

School Attendance

We want our pupils to get the best education, and the building blocks for this begin with pupils coming to school each and every day. If children miss school regularly, they miss out on learning the fundamental skills that will set them up for success in the later years of school.

Our approach to ensuring regular school attendance is based on the Powys Traffic Lights attendance Scheme.

A copy of the leaflet given to all parents can be downloaded here. Attendance leaflet.